• 27 Sep, 2023

Git cherry pick

git cherry-pick is useful command to pick specific commit or multiple commits from another branch and merge it to another branch(or we can say that …

Git Interview Questions
  • 21 Sep, 2023

Git Interview Questions

Git is a tool for keeping track of changes in computer programs. It’s free to use and lots of people in the software field use it. Now, …

Using Git Professionally
  • 19 Sep, 2023

Using Git Professionally

In this long blog, we are going to improve our git knowledge. I will try to explain the some concepts behing the basic things in git. Writing perfect …

gulpjs for backend developers

gulpjs for backend developers

This mini tutorial is especially for backend developers who implement also frontend part of the application inside the one package. Today, gulp seems …

JavaFX and CSS (Final)

JavaFX and CSS (Final)

We can use CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) to change visual appearance of our JavaFX program. Anything that can be done with CSS can also be done with …

JavaFX GridPane and TilePane

JavaFX GridPane and TilePane

GridPane Layout children nodes in rows and columns Rows and columns are numbered, starting from zero. Each rows and columns have not the same width …

JavaFX BorderPane HBox and VBox

JavaFX BorderPane HBox and VBox

BorderPane BorderPane can be useful for displaying one large central component with four smaller components at left, top, right and bottoms Note you …

JavaFX Basic Layouts

JavaFX Basic Layouts

In this blog post, let’s talk about laying out the components in the JavaFX. We need a pre-defined layout solution because computing the …

JavaFX Basic Inputs and Controls

JavaFX Basic Inputs and Controls

If you are going to draw something on the screen and handle some mouse event, then you can only use MouseEvent listener and AnimationTimer …

JavaFX Basic Events

JavaFX Basic Events

In JavaFX, events are represented by objects. When an event occurs, system collects all the information relevant to the event and construct an object …

JavaFX Canvas and GraphicsContext

JavaFX Canvas and GraphicsContext

The screen of a computer is a grid of little squares called pixels. The color of each pixel can be set individually, and drawing on the screen just …

JavaFX Color and Paint

JavaFX Color and Paint

Color Computer color uses an RGB color system which means that color on the a computer screen is specified by three numbers called color components, …

JavaFX Getting Started

JavaFX Getting Started

GUI programs are different from the traditional program that you have encountered. GUI programs are event-driven which means that these programs …

Threads in Java

Threads in Java

Like people, computers can multitask. They can be working on several different tasks at the same time. A computer that has just a single central …

Podman Tutorial

Podman Tutorial

In this one-shot tutorial, we are going to learn what Podman is, how to use it, the differences between Docker and Podman and more.. What is Podman? …

Dockerfile Format and Commands

Dockerfile Format and Commands

Before diving into the podman or docker itself, we should first know how to create dockerfile. Because writing a Dockerfile is the first step to …

Quick Intro to Container(s)

Quick Intro to Container(s)

Recently, I decided to learn containers (specifically Podman) to simply run my applications in an isolated environment. I can directly jump into the …

BackUp PostgreSQL with pg_dump

BackUp PostgreSQL with pg_dump

In this post, we are going to find out how to backup postgresql database with pg_dump utility. What is the pg_dump utility PostgreSQL provides the …

Modern Web Mimarisi

Modern Web Mimarisi

Modern Web Mimarisi Yazılım geliştiriciler olarak günümüzün çoğunu kod yazarak geliştiriyoruz. Kimimiz kendi projesini geliştirirken, kimimiz …

Regex in one blog

Regex in one blog

In this post, we are going to learn Regex expression in one blog Let’s start with defining what is Regex or Regex expression. What is Regex? …