How to add robots.txt and sitemap.xml into Quasar(VueJs) Framework

  • |
  • 27 March 2022
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Adding robots.txt and/or sitemap.xml can be cumbersome for the modern javascript framework such as VueJs, React or Angular etc..

In this short blog, I will show you how to add robots.txt and sitemap.xml to your Quasar framework (based on VueJs)

How to add robots.txt into Quasar project

  • First create new file called robots.txt and put these contents:
User-agent: *
Allow: /

  • Then put that file into the /public folder of your project.

After you run the Quasar project(or in the production build), you can access the robots.txt file by sending request to

How to add sitemap.xml into Quasar project

  • First create sitemap.xml file. You can use sitemap.xml generator sites. Or you can use the following template (replace the locs with your router)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  • Then put that file into the /public folder of your project.

After you run the Quasar project(or in the production build), you can access the sitemap.xml file by sending request to

As a final note, you may also do some implementation to generate sitemap.xml according to the src/router/index.js in the build step.

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